Welcome to another short and simple explanation from Dark Sky Defense. Please keep in mind that this article is an overview of the subject at hand, cybersecurity penetration testing, and red team assessments. We are not writing an in-depth vulnerability or exploit detection security program for professionals in our cyberspace. Instead, this is to educate someone with little or no understanding of red team engagement and the difference between a read team exercise and a pen test breach.

Red Team and Penetration Test - What's The Difference?
Red teaming is a comprehensive and coordinated effort to test an organization's security posture from an adversary's perspective. A red team will thoroughly assess an organization's people, processes, and technology to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities that a real-world attacker could exploit.
Penetration testing, on the other hand, is a narrower assessment that focuses on specific systems or infrastructure. A penetration tester will attempt to exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive data or systems. While penetration tests can be valuable, they are often limited in scope and do not always provide a complete picture of an organization's security posture.
What Is a Blue Team Penetration Testing?
A blue team penetration testing is a security assessment conducted by an organization's in-house security team. This assessment aims to identify and fix vulnerabilities in the organization's systems and networks before attackers can exploit them.
The security team must first identify the organization's critical assets and systems to conduct a blue team penetration test. They will then create a simulated attack scenario in which they attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in these systems. Once the attack is complete, the team will analyze the results and recommend improving the organization's security posture.
What Is a Purple Team Penetration Testing?
A purple team penetration test is a type of security assessment that combines the skills of both red and blue teams. Red team members focus on simulating real-world attacks, while blue team members work to detect and defend against these attacks. Purple team tests help organizations identify weaknesses in their security posture and improve their ability to detect and respond to threats.
What is Social Engineering?
Social engineering is a deception where someone tries to trick you into giving them information or access to something. In red teaming or pen-testing, the operatives may pretend to be someone they're not or try to convince you that they need your help with something. Threat actors can use social engineering for malicious purposes, such as stealing passwords or personal information, or social engineering can use it for more peaceful purposes, such as marketing research.
Social engineering plays a big part in red team operations. Dark Sky Defense has used social engineering on projects to gain unprecedented access to control rooms, c-level offices, restricted access sites, and more.
Target Reconnaissance In Red Team Operations
Target reconnaissance is an essential part of red team operations. The goal is to gather information about the target to plan and execute an attack. Target reconnaissance can include everything from physical surveillance to gathering intelligence online. It is essential to be thorough in your reconnaissance, as it can distinguish between a successful operation and a failure.
Stealth operations are the name of the game in red team services. Red teamers always try to avoid detection and find as many vulnerabilities as possible during their operation. Some of these vulnerabilities may include incident detection and response capabilities, and like a penetration tester will emulate a malicious actor targeting our client.
How To Conduct a Red Team Assessment
A Red Team Assessment is a security assessment conducted by a team of ethical hackers who attempt to penetrate an organization's systems and identify vulnerabilities. A Red Team Assessment aims to provide organizations with a realistic view of their security posture and identify areas that need improvement.
The first step in conducting a Red Team Assessment is understanding the client's goals and objectives. Once the objectives are understood, the next step is to scope the assessment. Open-source intelligence will determine what on-site systems and data will be included in the evaluation. After the scope is selected, the team will develop an attack plan. The attack plan will detail the methods used to access the systems and data.
Once the attack plan is finalized, the team will execute the attacks and document their findings. The results of the operation will be presented to the client along with recommendations for improving their security posture.
Testing the organization's response capabilities
Organizations should test their response capabilities regularly to ensure that they can effectively and efficiently respond to incidents. Response testing can help identify gaps and weaknesses in an organization's response plans and procedures and can help improve the overall response capability.
Cyber Vulnerability Assessment
Cyber vulnerability assessment identifies, assesses, and manages information and computer systems risks. It helps organizations to understand their vulnerabilities and take steps to reduce the likelihood of a successful attack.
Penetration Testing and Threat Hunting
Penetration Testing and Threat Hunting are essential tools for securing your network. Penetration Testing can help you find vulnerabilities in your system to fix them before an attacker does. Threat Hunting can help you find a malicious activity that has already occurred so that you can take steps to prevent it from happening again.
Target Reconnaissance in Penetration Testing
In penetration testing, target reconnaissance gathers information about a target system to assess its security. We call this threat intelligence and can include information about the network, hosts, services, and applications running on the system. Target reconnaissance intelligence can be gathered through active or passive means or by using public sources such as search engines or proprietary data such as those used by private investigators. Once this information is collected, the data can be used to plan an attack on the system.
Threat Intelligence Component of Red Team and Penetration Testing
Threat intelligence is critical to the red team and penetration testing efforts. Threat intelligence is "the actionable understanding of adversaries, their capabilities, and their intents." In other words, it's all about understanding your enemy.
In the context of red teaming and pen testing, threat intelligence can help you determine which attacks are most likely to succeed against your organization and which defenses are most likely to be effective. It can also help you understand the motives and goals of your adversaries so that you can anticipate their next move.
Threat intelligence is essential to any security program and should be incorporated into red team and penetration testing efforts.
How Threat Intelligence Works
Threat intelligence (TI) is the process of gathering, analyzing, and acting on information about potential security threats. It can proactively protect an organization from attacks or help investigate and respond to a security incident.
The first step in threat intelligence is gathering data from various sources. This data can come from internal sources, such as system logs, or external sources, such as news articles or social media. This data is then analyzed to look for patterns or trends that could indicate a potential threat. Once a potential threat is identified, it can be further investigated to gather more information about it. This information can then decide how to best protect against or respond to the threat.
Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Threat Intelligence
Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is intelligence collected from publicly available sources. Governments and organizations use OSINT to gather information about potential threats. Threat intelligence is a type of OSINT that focuses on gathering information about specific threats.
During a red team or pen test, OSINT may gather information about the target organization and its employees. This information can be used to plan attacks or social engineer employees.
Understanding OSINT in Cyber Defense
To effectively defend against cyber attacks, it is crucial to have a strong understanding of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence). This intelligence gathering can provide valuable information about potential threats and vulnerabilities. By monitoring public sources of information, such as social media and online forums, organizations can gain insights into the latest trends and techniques used by attackers. Additionally, OSINT can help to identify potential targets for attack. By understanding the types of information that are available through OSINT, organizations can better protect themselves from cyber threats.
Ethical Hackers The Backbone of Penetration Testing
Ethical hackers are the backbone of penetration testing - they are the ones who test the security of systems and networks by trying to find vulnerabilities. They use their skills to help organizations improve their safety, and they are usually highly valued members of the IT security team. However, it is essential to note that ethical hacking is not the same as illegal hacking, and ethical hackers do not engage in activities that would damage or disrupt systems.
The Ninja In the Room
All of this may sound exciting. And at times, it can be, but more than that, it is challenging work in that it requires a great deal of pre-operational planning. Red team and penetration testing work toward exploiting people, places, and things (data and information), and accurately documenting the operations and the results is the key to helping clients better understand the risks they face and the vulnerabilities they genuinely have.
Engage With Dark Sky Defense
We set out to explain some details surrounding red team operations and penetration testing. We did this in bite-sized chunks to help our reader grasp some essential information. Dark Sky Defense provides an in-depth red team and pen. Testing services.